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Table of Contents | January, 2002  Vol. 9  No.1 Previous Issue | Next Issue | Archive


In this issue:

Original Articles
7 An Analysis of Learning Objectives and Test Items in Fundamentals of Nursing in Korea
Kyung-Hee Kim, Kyu-Suk Kang, Keum-Soon Kim, Won-Ock Kim, Young-Soon Byun, Young-Hee Shon, Sun-Hee Yang, Hyun-Sook Cho, Kyeong-Yae Sohng
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2002;9(1):7
16 Effect of Foot Reflexology on Vital Signs, Fatigue and Mood in Cancer Patients receiving Chemotherapy
Jong-Soon Won, Ihn-Sook Jeong, Ji-Soo Kim, Keum-Soon Kim
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2002;9(1):16
27 The Effect of Hand Massage on Pain and Anxiety Related to Chest Tube Removal in Patients with a Lobectomy
Yeoung-Suk Song
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2002;9(1):27
45 A Study of the Relationship between Facility Satisfaction, Depression and ADL in the Elderly People Residing in Nursing Homes
Young-Soon Byeon, Jung-In Lee
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2002;9(1):45
56 Correlation Between Alienation and Depression, Suicidal Ideation and Delinquency in High School Students
Eun-Ju Lee, Eun-Sook Lee
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2002;9(1):56
66 The Effectiveness of Standardized Patient Managed Instruction in Teaching Foley Catheterization Skills, Communication Skills and Learning Motivation
Moon-Sook Yoo, Il-Young Yoo, Youn-Jung Son
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2002;9(1):66
76 The Study of Attitude to Passive Euthanasia among Korean Nurses
Ae-Kyung Kim
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2002;9(1):76
86 A Study on Nursing Needs of Patients in the Recovery Room
Eun-Kyoung Kim, Soon-Ok Chae, Kun-Sook Kwon, Yun-Jeung Kim, Mun-He Hong, Me-Hee Kim, Nam-Sun Kim, Kyu-Eun Lee
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2002;9(1):86
101 Clinical Evaluation of the Accuracy of Electronic Home Blood Pressure Measuring Devices
Ji-Na Choo
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2002;9(1):101
113 A Study on Serum Ferrum, TIBC, and Ferritin's Circadian Rhythm in Normal Adults
Suk-Heui Jeong, Myung-Ae Kim
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2002;9(1):113
123 Development of a Exercise Intervention Program Based on Stage of Exercise Using the Transtheoretical Model in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Chun-Ja Kim
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2002;9(1):123
133 Factors Influencing Health Promoting Behavior in the Elderly People : Perceived Conception of Health and Family Support
Chun-Gill Kim, Myung-Sook Sung
J Korean Acad Fundam Nurs. 2002;9(1):133
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