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Total number of pages : 20 pages or fewer
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[English abstract]
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[ Sub-dimensions of the Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing] (Indicate the areas that are applicable to the subject of the manuscript being submitted - choose 3 or less of the following.)
Basic concept of nursing
Course of nursing
Health conditions
Oxygenation requirement
Nutritional requirement
Excretion requirement
Activity and exercise requirement
Comfort requirement
Safety requirement
Sexual requirement
Infection control nursing
Medication administration nursing
Wound nursing
Deathbed nursing
Surgery period nursing
Alternate supplemental therapy
Nursing education
Health promotion
Social and psychological requirement
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250단어 이내
Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusion의 소제목 하에 구성
영문주요어: MeSH에 등재된 단어로 5개 이내
[본문 구성]
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