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Ethical guidelines for research publication > For Authors and Reviewers > Ethical guidelines for research publication

  1. Research Ethics
    All manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with research and publication ethics guidelines commended by the Council of Science Editors (CSE, http://www.councilscienceeditors.org/), International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE, http://www.icmje.org/), and Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors (KAMJE, http://www.kamje.or.kr/).
    If the research is conducted on humans, it is to be done in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, and participants are to receive a full explanation of the purposes of the research and any mental and/or bodily harm which may take place in patients or guardians who participate in the research and a written consent is to be received before participation. If needed, the editing committee can request submission of written consents and approval letters of ethics committees. If the research is conducted on animals, a description of actions taken to reduce any or suffering by the laboratory animals should be included to clarify that the experiment processes have not violated regulations of institutional review board (IRB) and/or the NIH Guidelines for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.
    Any study involving human subjects or human data must be reviewed and approved by a responsible institutional review board (IRB). Research involving meta-analyses, systematic reviews, and literature review does not require IRB review. Experiments involving animals should be reviewed by an appropriate committee for the care and use of animals.

  2. The journal will not publish theses that have used any of the following unfair practices:
    1. Forgery: recording or reporting materials or research outputs which have been falsified
    2. Alteration: manipulating of research materials, equipment or processes and/or changing or omitting materials or research outputs, so as to render research records false
    3. Plagiarism: appropriating others’ ideas, processes, outputs or records in an unauthorized manner

  3. Only original theses can be contributed to and/or published by the journal.
    1. Manuscripts that have been published or are being submitted into other journal(s) are not allowed to submit to this journal. Manuscripts that have been published or are currently under consideration for publication in this journal are not allowed to submit to other journals.
    2. Any duplicated theses will not be published regardless of whether part or all of them have been published, printed, recorded and/or registered in an academic journal in another languages, electronically or otherwise.
    3. If authors wants to reprint the published manuscript in another language, the corresponding author must obtain the approval from Editor-in-Chief of both related journals
    4. The Editorial Board will determine the nature and degree of duplicate publication or duplicate submission for the manuscript.

  4. If the published manuscripts are suspected of ethics violation, the Editorial Board will take appropriate disciplinary action as below.
    1. 1) A preliminary investigation
    2. 2) Second investigation
    3. 3) Decision of the Editorial Board

  5. If the published manuscripts are proved of ethics violation, the Editorial Board will take appropriate disciplinary action as below.
    1. 1) The published manuscripts will be retracted and be released to the public regarding the reason of retraction.
    2. 2) Submission privileges to the JKAFN will be suspended for three years.
    3. 3) The retraction of the manuscript will be announced on the JKAFN official website and the printed journal.

  6. Authorship
    Authorship should be based upon all four of the following criteria from the ICMJE Authorship guidelines (http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/roles-and-responsibilities/defining-the-role-of-authors-and-contributors.html). However, research fraud by co-author, who is related to a special relationship, is prohibited, and related person refers to minors under the age of 19 or his/her family (within four cousins such as a spouse, child, etc.).
    1. Substantial contribution to the concept or design of the work, or the acquisition or analysis and interpretation of data;
    2. Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content;
    3. Final approval of the version submitted for publication;
    4. Accountability for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
    All other contributors should be listed in the acknowledgments section. These authorship criteria are intended to reserve the status of authorship for those who deserve credit and can take responsibility for the work. Any addition, deletion, or rearrangement of author names in the authorship list should be made only before the manuscript is accepted and only if approved by the journal Editor. To request any changes, the Editor must receive the following from the corresponding author: (a) the reason for the change in author list and (b) written confirmation (e-mail correspondence) from all authors that they agree with the addition, removal, or rearrangement. In the case of addition or removal of authors, confirmation from the author being added or removed must also be included.

  7. Conflict of Interest
    The corresponding author is responsible for informing the editor regarding potential conflicts of interest in all listed authors that might influence their interpretation of data. Examples of potential conflicts of interest include employment, consultancies, stock ownership, royalties, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, non-financial support, and grants or other funding. For more detailed information on the Conflict of Interest, please visit at http://www.icmje.org/coi_disclosure.pdf. If there is no conflict of interest, this should also be explicitly stated as "The author(s) declare(s) that there is no conflict of interest."

  8. The authors must sign on the cover page that they have complied with the ethical rules of the Journal.
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