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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2002;9(1): 86
회복실 환자의 간호요구도에 관한 연구 - 일 종합병원을 중심으로 -
김은경1, 채순옥2, 권금숙3, 김윤정4, 홍문희5, 김미희6, 김남선7, 이규은8
1강릉병원 회복실
2강릉병원 회복실
3강릉병원 회복실
4강릉병원 회복실
5강릉병원 회복실
6강릉병원 회복실
7관동대학교 간호학과
8관동대학교 간호학과
A Study on Nursing Needs of Patients in the Recovery Room
Eun-Kyoung Kim1, Soon-Ok Chae2, Kun-Sook Kwon3, Yun-Jeung Kim4, Mun-He Hong5, Me-Hee Kim6, Nam-Sun Kim7, Kyu-Eun Lee8
1Kangnung Hospital
2Kangnung Hospital
3Kangnung Hospital
4Kangnung Hospital
5Kangnung Hospital
6Kangnung Hospital
7College of Nursing, Kwang Dong University
8College of Nursing, Kwang Dong University
Purpose: The purpose of the study was done to identify the nursing care needs of patients in the recovery room.
Method: The subjects in this study were 127 patients in a recovery room between 6/9/2001 and 24/9/2001. The instrument used for this study was the descriptive questionnaire developed by Shin Hyun-Jin (1999). The data was analysed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, and factor analysis using the SPSS program. Result: 1) Kaiser - Meyer -O1kin sample appropriateness was 799 and Bartlett's test of sphericity significant probability was .000. 2) The mean score for nursing care need of patients in the recovery room was $4.17{pm}.51$ of a total possible score of 5. The score of nursing need for different parameters was as follows : Educational need ($4.31{pm}.49$), physical need ($4.27{pm}.47$), emotional need ($4.11{pm}.52$), environmental need ($3.99{pm}.56$). 3) Differences in the needs for nursing care according to the demographics were significant for gender, marital status, operation experience, and departments consulted. General characteristic variables significantly related to nursing need were as follows: Physical need significantly related to the departments consulted (F=2.23, p=.036). Educational need significantly related to the marital status (F=2.55. p=.012), departments consulted (F=2.30, p= 031). Emotional need significantly related to the marital status (F=2.22, p=.028). Environmental need significantly related to the gender (t=-2.44, p= .016), marital status (F=2.01, p= .046). operation experience (t=-1.99. p= .048).
Conclusion: Nursing care needs of patients in the recovery room are significantly related to educational need, physical need, emotional need and environmental need. Intervention plans and program need to be developed to improve strategies to meet nursing needs of patients in the recovery room.
Key words: Recovery room | Nursing needs
주요어: 회복실 | 간호요구도