Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, Chungang University
Purpose: This study was done to identify the predictors of smoking in middle school boys'. A comprehensive analysis of individual, family and social environment-related factors was done. Method: The participants in this descriptive survey on causal relations were 318 students enrolled in middle schools who were selected by convenience sampling. The data collected from June to July 2003 were put in to logistic regression analysis to build a prediction model. Results: 1) Individual-related factors for smoking in middle school boys' were participation in drinking and deliilquent behavior 2) Family-related factors were ill-treatment physically of the types of ill-treatment and mother being unemployed. 3) Social environment/peer-related factors were friends' attitudes towards delinquency. Conclusion and Recommendations: The experience of smoking among Korean middle school boys was associated not only with individual factors, but also with family and social environmental factors. The findings of this study suggest that broad intervention program should be provided to prevent adolescent smoking. It is also recommended that a program be developed that can help control the variables identified in this study along with a follow up study to verify the model.