1Department of Nursing Science of Ewha Womans University 2Department of Nursing, Hyechon College
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between satisfaction with facility, depression and ADL in elderly people residing in nursing homes. Data were collected between April 4 and 16, 2001 using a structured questionnaire which included general characteristics, facility satisfaction, depression and ADL scales. The results of this study are summarized as follows : 1. Depression and ADL showed a significant relationship(r=0.340, p=0.004). 2. ADL and satisfaction with facility also showed a significant relationship(r= 0.401. p=0.001). 3. There was no direct relationship between depression and satisfaction with facility (r=0.133. p=0.269). In conclusion, the following suggestions are made : First there is a need for continuous study on the relationship between satisfaction with facility. depression and ADL in elderly people residing in nursing homes. Second, a wide range of study on elderly people who live in home and stay at hospital in addition to those who reside in nursing homes is required.