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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2010;17(4): 566
응급실 간호사의 직무특성과 조기몰입 및 이직의도와의 관계
성미혜1, 조수연2
1인제대학교 간호학과
The Relationship between Job Characteristics and Organizational Commitment, and Turnover Intention in Emergency Department Nurses
Mi-Hae Sung1, Soo-Yeon Cho2
1Department of Nursing, 1nje University
2Korea Cancer Center Hospital
Purpose: This study was done to identify the relationship of emergency department(ED) nurse's job characteristics, organizational commitment and turnover intention.
Method: This study was conducted through a survey of 171 nurses from ED in nine general hospitals of Band U cities. The data were collected by self-report questionnaires and analyzed with the SPSS WIN 17.0 program using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression.
Results: The mean score for job characteristics was 3.37. Job characteristics according to position, number days night duty, and monthly income showed significant differences. Turnover intention according to age, total career, and monthly income showed significant differences. A significant positive correlation was found between job characteristics and organizational commitment. Significant negative correlations were found between job characteristics and turnover intention, organizational commitment and turnover intention were found. The significant factors influencing turnover intention were organizational commitment, monthly income, and total career, which explained 27.6% of the variance.
Conclusion: The findings indicate that nurse managers should analyze the reasons for high turnover intention, focusing on the main factors affecting turnover intention and consider solutions for decreasing turnover intention.
Key words: Emergency Nursing | Job Application | Personnel Loyalty | Personnel Turnover
주요어: 응급실 간호사 | 직무특성 | 조직몰입 | 이직의도