1College of Nursing, Jesus University 2College of Nursing, Jesus University 3College of Nursing, Jesus University
Purpose: To examine the results of PBL classes for sophomore nursing students during one semester. Method: Self-reflection journals and class evaluation questionnaires were collected from 121 nursing students and analyzed. Results of class evaluation questionnaires were analyzed using mean scores, SD, frequencies and percentages. Significant statements were derived by repeated review of the self-reflection journals by the researchers. Results: The statements, 'Understanding of PBL' 'Improvement of human relationships' 'Expansion of nursing knowledge' 'Excellency in nursing class and application of nursing skills in nursing practices' and 'Improvement of learning ability and attitude during classes' were derived from the self-reflection journals. Analysis of class evaluation questionnaires showed the following scores: prerequisite of PBL (3.0/4), role of facilitator (3.48/4) and satisfaction with PBL learning (3.31/4). Also some complaints such as lack of adequate references in the library, and confusion in at the beginning of PBL were noted. Conclusion: PBL was effective. Using the results of the study for planning a more effective PBL class syllabus is recommended.