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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2005;12(3): 337
간호대학생의 주사침 자상에 대한 지식, 이행 및 위험인식
박선남1, 이은영2, 김경미3, 한숙정4
3여의도 성모병원 감염관리실
4삼육대학교 간호학과
Knowledge, Compliance and Levels of Risk Factor Recognition for Needlestick Injuries in Student Nurses
Sun-Nam Park1, Eun-Young Lee2, Kyung-Mi Kim3, Suk-Jung Han4
1Seoul Women's College of Nursing
2Seoul Adventist Hospital
3Department of Hospital Infection Control, St. Mary's Hospital Catholic University
4Department of Nursing, Sahmyook University
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the levels in student nurse of knowledge, compliance and risk factor recognition for needlestick injuries.
Method: Nine hundred and thirty eight(938) student nurse from 3 universities and 3 junior colleges participated in this study. Completed questionnaires were collected between October and November 2004. They were analyzed by using the descriptive statistics and $x^2$-test, t-test with the SAS program,
Results: There were no significant differences in the general characteristics of participants between the two groups-Needlestick Injury(NSI) group and non-Needle stick Injury(non-NSI) group. The scores for knowledge levels of treatment after needle stick injuries and the risk factor recognition level were significantly higher in the NSI group. The scores for performance level as to handling and using needles after needlestick injuries were significantly higher in the non-NSI group.
Conclusion: It is necessary to develop a preventive program to decrease the needlestick injury rate among student nurse.
Key words: Needlestick injuries | Student nurse | Knowledge Compliance | Recognition
주요어: 주사침 자상 | 간호학생 | 지식 | 이행 | 인식
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