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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2012;19(1): 23
재가 치매가족의 휴식 돌봄: 개념명료화
장성옥1, 송미령2, 공계순3, 천숙희4
1고려대학교 간호학과
2호서대학교 간호학과
3호서대학교 사회복지학과
4상지대학교 간호학과
Respite Care for Family Caregivers of Elders with Dementia : Concept Clarification
Sung-Ok Chang1, Mi-Ryeong Song2, Gye-Soon Kong3, Suk-Hee Choen4
1College of Nursing, Korea University
2Department of Nursing, Hoseo University
3Department of Social welfare, Hoseo University
4Department of Nursing, Sangji University
Purpose: Respite care is not a discrete intervention, but encompasses a range of services. This research was conducted to clarify the phenomenon of respite care for family caregivers of elders with dementia from a nursing perspective.
Method: The Hybrid Model of concept development was applied to clarify the concept of respite care for family caregivers of elders with dementia. The study was conducted in the following three steps, theoretical phase, fieldwork phase, and final analytic phase.
Results: The definition of respite care for family caregivers of elders with dementia was delineated through integration of data analyses in theoretical and fieldwork phase, and has three dimensions; tailored supports for caregivers, tailored supports based on physical and cognitive function of elders with dementia and community interventions related to family care function.
Conclusion: Through this study, the concept of respite care for family caregivers of elders with dementia is clarified and reformulated as nursing practice phenomena in the Korean context, which indicates ways to develop caring practice forms for a family living with an elder with dementia in a community setting.
Key words: Dementia | Respite Care | Caregiver
주요어: 치매 | 휴식 | 돌봄