간호진단중심의 퇴원계획과 가정간호적용의 효과 -만성질환자를 중심으로- |
서문자1, 김금순2, 김명애3, 김인자4, 손행미5 |
1서울대학교 간호학과 2서울대학교 간호학과 3서울대학교병원 간호행정 4서울대학교 대학원 간호학과 연구원 5서울대학교 간호대학 |
The Effects of Hospital Home Nursing Interventions based on the Nursing Diagnosis |
Moon-Ja Suh1, Keum-Soon Kim2, Myung-Ae Kim3, In-Ja Kim4, Hang-Mi Son5 |
1College of Nursing, Seoul National University 2College of Nursing, Seoul National University 3Department of Nursing, Seoul National University Hospital 4College of Nursing, Seoul National University 5College of Nursing, Seoul National University |
Abstract |
Home nursing interventions based on nursing diagnosis were implemented to the patient who are discharged from one hospital often the treatment for chronic neuromuscular system problem, and its effects were studied. The purpose of this study was to find out the effectiveness of hospital bouned home nursing provided by hospital nurses and to categorize home nursing diagnosis and its interventions. Data from experimental group patients were collected at three different time ; at the time of discharge, two weeks after discharge and our weeks after discharge. Data from controll group patients were collected twice ; the first one at the time of discharge, and the other one four weeks after discharge. For this study nursing assessment and intervention booklet developed by the research team. There were no significant decrease of the number of nursing problems and life satis-faction. But daily activity level of patients showed the signs of significant improvement at the time of four weeks after discharge. Results of this study indicates that home nursing intervention based on nursing diagnosis provided the patients with noticeable difference in health maintanance, impairment of physical mobility, potential for infection, impaired home marntenance management, health seeking behavior, chronic pain, disuse syndrome, impaired skin integrity. |
Key words:
home care nursing diagnosis | home care nursing interventions |
가정간호 | 일상생활기능 | 가정간호진단 | 가정간호중재 |