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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 1995;2(1): 67
율동적 운동요법이 유방절제술 환자의 퇴원후 적응상태에 미치는 영향
고신대학교 의학부 간호학과
An Effect of Rhythmic Movement Therapy for Adaptation State in Mastectomy Patients
Myung-Hwa Lee
Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, Kosin University
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of rhythmic movement therapy for adaptation state in mastectomy patients. The quasi-experimental study was designed using nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design within the framework of Laszarus & Folkman's stress-adaptation model. The subjects of the study were composed thirty-two mastectomy patients, of these fifteen were assigned to the experimental group and seventeen to the control group. Rhythmic movement therapy was carried out twice a week for thirty-five, minutes or forty minutes for six weeks period from August 22 to September 30 in 1994. Data was collected before and after the experimentation. Collected data was analyzed by mens of chi-square test, t-test, two-way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient with $SPSS/PC^+$. The results were summarized as follows : 1. Physical symptom score in the experimental group and control group was not significant difference. 2. Joint Movement Parameter in the experimental group and control group was significant difference. 3. Depression score in the experimental group and contrl group was significant difference. 4. Body image score in the experimental group and control group was significant difference. 5. Stress perception score in the experimental group and control group was significant difference. 6. Social adjustment score in the experimental group and control group was significant difference. 7. Each adaptational level in the experimental group and control group according to type of Health Locus of Control were partially significant difference. Depression score and social adjustment score between the experimental group and control group according to others Health Locus of control were significant difference. This data suggest that rhythmic movement therapy was more effective in the group of Others health Locus of Control. 8. Each adaptational level between the experimental group and control group according to amount of spouse support were not significant difference. 9. The significant positive correlation between physical symptom score and body image, between body image and social adjustment, were observed. The significant negative correlation between stress perception score and social adjustment, between depression and body image, between depression and social adjustment, were observed. This data suggest that the more physical symptom score increased, the more body image increased and the more body image, the more social adjustment. And then the more stress perception score decreased, the more social adjustment increasded and the more depression score, the more body image and social adjustment. Thus it is concluded that the rhythmic movement therapy was a useful nursing intervention for adaptation of mastectomy patients.
주요어: 율동적 운동요법 | 적응상태 | 유방절제술
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Effect of Nursing Intervention of Mutual Goal Setting on Recovery of Mastectomy Patient  2001 January;8(2)