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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2003;10(1): 47
신규 임상간호사에게 요구되는 임상실무수행능력
변영순1, 임난영2, 강규숙3, 성명숙4, 원종순5, 고일선6, 장성옥7, 장희정8, 양선희9, 김화순10
1이화여자 간호과학대학
2한양대학교 간호학과
3연세대학교 간호대학
4한림대학교 간호학과
5서울 보건대학 간호과
6연세대학교 간호대학
7고려대학교 간호대학
8한림대학교 간호학과
9적십자 간호대학 간호과
10인하대학교 간호학과
Clinical Nursing Competency for New Graduate Nurses - A Grounded Theory Approach -
Young-Soon Byeon1, Nan-Young Lim2, Kyu-Sook Kang3, Myung-Sook Sung4, Jong-Soon Won5, Il-Sun Ko6, Sung-Ok Chang7, Hee-Jung Jang8, Sun-Hee Yang9, Hwa-Soon Kim10
1College of Nursing Science, Ewha Womans University
2Department of Nursing, Han Yang University
3College of Nursing, Yonsei University
4Department of Nursing, Hallym University
5Department of Nursing, Seoul Health College
6College of Nursing, Yonsei University
7College of Nursing, Korea University
8Department of Nursing, Hallym University
9Department of Nursing, Red Cross Nursing College
10Department of Nursing, Inha University
Purpose: This study was done to provide information about issues of clinical competency from the perspective of new graduate nurses and to make suggestions for improving undergraduate education programmes. It was also done to clarify learning experiences between fundamentals of nursing and the other major areas of nursing.
Method: For this study, 7 new graduates and 8 experienced nurses participated. The data were collected through in-depth interviews and analysed in terms of Strauss and Corbin's grounded theory methodology. Result: Core category and main categories, were delineated. Clinical nursing competency was found to be a dynamic process with each participant actively engaged in acquiring problem solving ability in diverse clinical settings. These findings have value in understanding the embedded meaning of clinical nursing competency.
Conclusion: Therefore, the educational programs reflecting the experience of new nursing staff should be developed.
Key words: Clinical nursing competency | New graduate nurses
주요어: 임상실무수행능력