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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2002;9(2): 279
장기이식에 대한 일반인의 태도 및 영향요인
손영희1, 조정민2
1국립의료원 간호대학
2국립의료원 간호대학
Public's Attitude to Organ Transplants and Factors Influencing Attitudes
Young-Hee Shon1, Chung-Min Cho2
1National Medical Center College of Nursing
2National Medical Center College of Nursing
Purpose: This study was done to Identify attitude and factors influencing attitudes to organ transplants.
Method: Study participants were 165 people over the age of 18 and living in Seoul. The instrument used for this study was the descriptive questionnaire developed by Ju (1995). Analysis of the data was done with SPSS Win 10.0 with descriptive statistics. t-test. ANOVA and stepwise multiple regression. Results : 1. The scores on attitude toward organ transplants ranged from 14 to 70. and had a mean score of 49.26. There were statistically significant differences in scores on attitude to organ transplants according to age (p= .03). marital status (p= 00), monthly income (p=.02) and experience of having education about organ transplants (p= .00). 2. The factors influencing attitudes to organ transplants were having the experience of education on transplants and marital status. These two variables explained 20.1% of the variance. 3. Reasons given for no written pledge to donate one's organs were 'fear on organ donation', 'not knowing the way of' how to do'. 'plan to give my organs to a family member when needed'. 'physical condition' and 'religious belief'.
Conclusion: Experience with education for organ transplant and marital status were identified as important variables in attitudes to organ transplants.
Key words: Attitude | Organ transplantation
주요어: 장기이식 | 태도
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