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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2013;20(3): 230
간호대학생의 신체조성과 골다공증 자기효능감이 골밀도에 미치는 영향
이규은1, 김남선2
1관동대학교 간호학과
2관동대학교 간호학과
Effect of Body Composition and Osteoporosis Self-efficacy on Bone Mineral Density of Female Nursing Students
Kyu Eun Lee1, Nam Sun Kim2
1Kwangdong University
2Kwangdong University
Purpose: This study was done to identify the relationship among bone mineral density (BMD), body composition and osteoporosis self-efficacy and to identify predictors of BMD in female nursing students.
Method: Participants were 154 nursing students. Osteoporosis self-efficacy was determined by a self-report questionnaire. BMD was measured by ultrasound bone densitometry and body composition by a body composition analyzer. Data were collected between April 1 and 27, 2013 and analyzed using descriptive statistics, ANOVA, Scheff$acute{e}$ test, Pearson correlation coefficient, and multiple regression with SPSS 18.0.
Results: Mean BMD at the calcaneus site was $0.58{pm}1.31$ (T-score). Incidence of osteopenia was 11.7%. Percentage of body fat (PBF)-defined obesity had higher prevalence than body mass index (BMI)-defined obesity. BMD had significant positive correlations with skeletal muscle mass (r=.226, p=.005) and fat free mass (r=.225, p=.005). The factor predicting BMD was skeletal muscle mass with 4.7% of explained variance.
Conclusion: Study results indicate that of body composition components, skeletal muscle mass is the prime predicting factor for BMD. Thus to promote healthy bones, it is important to strengthen the muscles using a program, based on balanced development of all muscles.
Key words: Bone mineral density | Body composition | Osteoporosis | Self-efficacy
주요어: 골밀도 | 신체조성 | 골다공증 | 자기효능감