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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2009;16(3): 325
여대생의 생활습관, 체성분 및 골밀도간의 관계
조선대학교 의과대학 간호학과
Relationship among Life Style, Body Composition, and Bone Mineral Density (BMD) in Female College Students
Hee-Young Kang
Department of Nursing, Chosun University
Purpose: This study was done to investigate the relationship among the life style, body composition, and BMD in female college students.
Method: For this study, 320 female college students aged 18 through 35 were sampled. Data were collected from June to September, 2007. The BMD was measured with Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry, body composition with the Body Composition Analyzer, and stature was also taken.
Results: Our findings indicated that the relationship among the life style, body composition and BMD significantly varied and that meal times (F=3.318, p= .038) and muscle mass (r= .240, p< .001) and fat-free mass (r= .233, p< .001) showed a significant positive relationship with BMD.
Conclusions: Our findings indicated that optimal levels of the fat-free mass and muscle mass should be maintained. Since a decrease in the quantity of bones is expected to cause health issues for women after menopause, it is necessary to reduce risk factors including the unhealthy life style of college women that may lead to osteoporosis, and to introduce preventive nursing interventions against osteoporosis.
Key words: Life Style | Body Composition | Bone Mineral Density
주요어: 생활습관 | 체성분 | 골밀도