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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2009;16(3): 307
일 대학 간호학생의 임상실습 교육에 대한 자기효능감, 자기주도성 및 임상실습 만족도와의 관계
진주보건대학 간호과
Relationship of Self Efficacy, Self-Directedness and Practice Satisfaction to Clinical Practice Education in Nursing Students
Yeong-Hie Kim
Department of Nursing, Jinju Health College
Purpose: This study was done to investigate the relationship of self efficacy, self-directedness and practice satisfaction to clinical practice for nursing students.
Method: The participants were 122 nursing students in clinical practice. They responded to questionnaires that included measures of self efficacy, self-directedness and clinical practice satisfaction.
Results: The average self efficacy score was 3.70, self-directedness, 3.66 and clinical practice satisfaction, 3.44. Self efficacy showed a significant difference according to gender with men having higher scores (t=-2.82, p= .005). Clinical practice satisfaction showed a significant difference according to motivation for nursing (F=3.86, p= .011), and location of clinical practice (F=3.73, p= .006). Self efficacy had a significant positive correlation to self-directedness (r= .755, p< .001) and clinical practice satisfaction (r= .379, p< .001). Self-directedness had a significant correlation with clinical practice satisfaction (r= .412, p< .001).
Conclusion: After clinical practice, self efficacy, self-directedness and clinical practice satisfaction in nursing students were relative higher. Self efficacy, self-directedness were affected by clinical practice satisfaction.
Key words: Self Efficacy | Self | Directive | Satisfaction | Nursing
주요어: 자기효능감 | 자기주도성 | 만족도