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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2014;21(3): 235
여대생의 외모스트레스, 자아탄력성, 대인관계 및 우울이 섭식태도에 미치는 영향
장혜경1, 손정남2
1한서대학교 간호학과
2한서대학교 간호학과
Influence of Appearance Stress, Ego-Resilience, Interpersonal Relations and Depression on Eating Attitude in Women Undergraduates
Hae Kyung Chang1, Jung Nam Sohn2
1Department of Nursing, Hanseo University
2Department of Nursing, Hanseo University
Purpose: This study was done to identify the degree of appearance stress, ego-resilience, interpersonal relations, depression, and eating attitude and to investigate the main factors influencing eating attitude in women undergraduates.
Methods: The research design was a descriptive survey design using a convenience sampling. Data were collected by self-report questionnaires from 238 women undergraduates. Data analyses were done using SPSS/WIN 18.0 program for descriptive statistics, t-test and multiple linear regression.
Results: The mean score for eating attitude was 0.36. There were statistically significant differences in appearance stress and interpersonal relations according to type of eating attitude. Also, appearance stress, interpersonal relations, and depression were significant predictors explaining 39% of the variance in eating attitude.
Conclusion: The results indicate that the factors influencing eating attitude should be considered when developing nursing interventions to change poor eating attitude for women undergraduates.
Key words: Stress | Resilience | Interpersonal relations | Depression | Eating
주요어: 스트레스 | 탄력성 | 대인관계 | 우울 | 섭식
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The Influence of Self-resilience and Academic Self-concept on Test Anxiety in Undergraduates  2014 January;21(3)