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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2014;21(3): 275
자아탄력성, 학업적 자아개념이 대학생의 시험불안에 미치는 영향
유혜숙1, 양야기2
1호남대학교 간호학과
2원광대학교 간호학과
The Influence of Self-resilience and Academic Self-concept on Test Anxiety in Undergraduates
Hye Sook You1, Ya Ki Yang2
1Department of Nursing, Honam University
2Department of Nursing, Wonkwang University
Purpose: This study was conducted to investigate the relationship of self-resilience, academic self-concept and test anxiety in undergraduates.
Method: The participants were 403 undergraduates in H, C University in G City, and K University in S City. Data were collected from March 1 to April 30, 2012, and analyzed using SPSS/WIN 18.0.
Results: The mean score per item for self-resilience was 2.77. The mean academic self-concept score was 3.17 and the mean score for test anxiety was 2.38. Self-resilience showed a negative correlation with test anxiety (r=-.186, p<.001) and a positive correlation with academic self-concept (r=.312, p<.001). Academic self-concept showed a negative correlation with test anxiety (r=-.353, p<.001).
Conclusion: The findings of this study indicate that self-resilience and academic self-concept enhancement programs should be developed to reduce test anxiety in undergraduates and that further study should be done on the effects of such programs.
Key words: Self Concept | Anxiety | Universities | Students
주요어: 자아개념 | 불안 | 대학 | 학생