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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2012;19(1): 57
초등학생에게 적용한 환경보건 교육프로그램이 알레르기 지식과 증상에 미치는 효과
조혜경1, 강명화2, 박준수3, 송미령4
1호서대학교 간호학과
2호서대학교 식품영양학과
3순천향대학교 의과대학 소아과
4호서대학교 간호학과, 호서대학교 기초과학연구소
Effects of an Education Program on Knowledge about Environmental Health and Allergy Symptoms among Elementary School Students
Hae-Kyung Jo1, Myung-Hwa Kang2, Joon-Soo Park3, Mi-Ryeong Song4
1Department of Nursing, Hoseo University
2Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Hoseo University
3Department of Pediatrics, Soonchunhyang University
4Department of Nursing, Research Institute for Basic Science, Hoseo University
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of a health education program to improve knowledge about environmental health and allergy symptoms among elementary school students.
Methods: This study has nonequivalent control group pre-post test design. Participants of this study were 60 elementary students (30 experimental and 30 control) who agreed to participate in the study. The education program consisted of information on environmental health and allergies, the atmosphere, indoor environments, food and allergies, and activities with parents. The program was carried out one time (50 minutes) per week during 6 weeks. Knowledge and symptoms of allergies were recorded before and after the program among both groups. The collected data were analyzed by ANCOVA and t-test using SAS program.
Results: There was a significant increase in knowledge about allergies in the experimental group compared to the control group, but allergic symptoms were similar in the two groups.
Conclusion: These findings suggest that environmental health education programs are effective in the area of school health nursing for increasing knowledge about environmental health and allergies. Further research is needed to develop programs for reducing allergic symptoms as an environment health problem among children.
Key words: Allergy | Environmental health | Students | Symptoms | Knowledge
주요어: 알레르기 | 환경보건 | 학생 | 증상 | 지식