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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2003;10(3): 307
중년여성의 피로와 운동수행정도
이화여자대학교 간호과학대학
Fatigue and Exercise in Middle-aged Women
Young-Soon Byeon
College of Nursing Science, Ewha Womans University
Purpose: This study was done to investigate the relationship between fatigue and exercise in middle-aged women.
Method: A descriptive survey study design was used. Result: The fatigue level for middle-aged women was 1.98. It was found that about 52.7% of the participant do exercise now. Fatigue according to exercise level was not significant, but the degree of fatigue was low for women who do exercise.
Conclusion: The degree of fatigue for middle-aged woman should be assessed and exercise suited to each person should be taught. Fatigue needs to be controlled before it develops to the point of disease, and appropriate exercise is an suitable intervention.
Key words: Middle-aged women | Fatigue | Exercise
주요어: 중년여성 | 피로 | 운동