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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2011;18(2): 258
병원간호사의 부정적 감정조절, 정서억제, 직무만족 및 조직몰입 간의 관계
성미혜1, 최원주2, 천혜경3
1인제대학교 간호학과 건강과학연구소
The Relationship of Negative Emotion, Emotion Suppression, and Job Satisfaction to Organizational Commitment in Hospital Nurses
Mi-Hae Sung1, Won-Joo Choi2, Hye-Kyung Chun3
1Department of Nursing Inje University, Institute for Nursing Science
2Sanggye Baik Hospital
3Sanggye Baik Hospital
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among negative emotion, emotion suppression, job satisfaction and organizational commitment in Hospital Nurses.
Method: The participants were 155 registered nurses working in 1 hospital in Seoul. Data were obtained by self-report questionnaires. Data were collected from October 1 through October 9, 2010. Data were analyzed using frequency and percentage, t-test, ANOVA and Scheffe's test and stepwise multiple regression. Result: The influencing factors for organizational commitment of hospital nurses were job satisfaction, position, total clinical career, and negative emotion. These variables explained 56.6% of the variance of the organizational commitment.
Conclusion: These results indicate that improving job satisfaction is the best way to enhance nurses' organizational commitment and thus, a need to improve the job satisfaction of hospital nurses.
Key words: Nurses | Expressed Emotion | Suppression | Job Satisfaction | Organizations
주요어: 간호사 | 부정적 감정조절 | 정서억제 | 직무만족 | 조직몰입