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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2013;20(1): 18
대학생의 음란물 노출력과 성태도 및 성경험간의 상관성 분석
김은만1, 유수정2, 송미령3
1선문대학교 간호학과
2상지대학교 간호학과
3호서대학교 간호학과
Correlation between History of Exposure to Obscene Material, Sexual Attitudes and Intercourse Experience among University Students
Eun Man Kim1, Su Jeong Yu2, Mi Ryeong Song3
1Department of Nursing, Sunmoon University
2Department of Nursing, Sangji University
3Department of Nursing, Hoseo University
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the history of exposure to obscene material, and examine sexual attitudes and intercourse experience in order to develop an effective program for university students.
Method: The data were collected in May, 2012 from 385 students attending 3 universities in Korea. An independent t-test and ANOVA were used to determine the differences with regard to sexual attitudes and intercourse experience according to general characteristics and history of exposure to obscene material.
Results: Sexual attitudes significantly differed according to timing of first exposure to obscene material (p<.001). Intercourse experience was significantly different according to timing of first exposure to obscene material (p=.016) and type of exposure to obscene material (p=.032). There was a negative correlation between first exposure to obscene material and sexual attitudes (p<.001), and a positive correlation between first exposure to obscene material and intercourse experience (p=.017).
Conclusion: Results of this study indicate that history of exposure to obscene material should be considered as an important variable in managing the sexual health of university students.
Key words: Attitude | Intercourse | Sexual behavior
주요어: 태도 | 성경험 | 성행동
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