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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2012;19(4): 444
기존 낙상위험 사정 도구의 낙상 과거력 변인 효과
보라매병원 간호과
Predictive Effects of Previous Fall History on Accuracy of Fall Risk Assessment Tool in Acute Care Settings
Ihn Sook Park
SMG-SNU Boramae Medical Center
Purpose: To explore the usefulness of previous fall history as a triage variable for inpatients.
Methods: Medical records of 21,382 patients, admitted to medical units of one tertiary hospital, were analyzed retrospectively. Inpatient falls were identified from the hospital's self-report system. Non-falls in 1,125 patients were selected by a stratified matching sampling with 125 patients with falls (0.59%). A comparative and predictive accuracy analysis was conducted to describe differences between the two groups with and without a history of falls. Logistic regression was used to measure the effect size of the fall history.
Results: The fall history group showed higher prevalence by 9 fold than the non-fall history group. The relationships between falls and relevant variables which were significant in the non-fall history group, were not significant for the fall history group. Falls in the fall history group were 25 times more likely than in the non-fall group. Predictive accuracy of the risk assessment tool showed almost zero specificity in the fall history group.
Conclusion: The presence of fall history, the fall prevalence, variables relevant to falls, and the accuracy of the risk tool were different, which support the usefulness of the fall history as a triage variable.
Key words: Accidental falls | Risk assessment | History | Predictive value of tests | Sensitivity and specificity
주요어: 낙상 | 위험도 평가 | (낙상) 과거력 | 평가 예측도 | 민감도와 특이도
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