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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2011;18(4): 538
취약계층 독거 여성노인의 영적안녕 영향요인
이금재1, 이에리쟈2
1경원대학교 생활과학대학 간호학과
2이화여자대학교 건강과학대학 간호과학과
Factors Affecting Spiritual Well-being in Underprivileged Older Women Living Alone
Keum-Jae Lee1, Eliza Lee2
1Department of Nursing, College of Human Ecology, Kyungwon University
2Division of Nursing Science, College of Health Science, Ewha Womans University
Purpose: This study was done to identity the spiritual state of elderly women who live alone, and factors which affect their spiritual well-being. It was a predictive study using correlations.
Methods: Data were collected to identify spiritual well-being of underprivileged older women who live alone and their demographic characteristics, activities of daily living, social support, self-efficacy, and health promotion behavior. Participants were 210 underprivileged women, over 65 years of age and living in permanent-rented apartments in Kyonggi Province. Collected data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficients and stepwise multiple regression analysis.
Results: Scores for spiritual well-being were higher than the medium, 3.77, out of a possible 6. Health promotion behavior (${beta}$=.22, t=3.51, p=.001), religion (${beta}$=.38, t=7.95, p<.001), self-efficacy(${beta}$=.25, t=4.63, p<.001), social support received (${beta}$=.23, t=3.96, p<.001), length of time living alone (${beta}$=.12, t=2.51, p=.013), and age (${beta}$=.11, t=2.24, p=.026) were significant factors affecting spiritual well-being.
Conclusion: The result of the study indicate that to enhance the well-being of underprivileged elderly women, it is necessary to increase health-promotion activity rates and identify mediation strategies to promote social support and self-efficacy.
Key words: Women | Elderly | Spirituality
주요어: 여성 | 노인 | 영성