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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2003;10(3): 392
보완. 대체요법관련 국내 간호연구의 동향분석
한경순1, 임난영2, 송경애3, 홍영혜4, 김종임5, 김경희6, 조남옥7
1신흥대학교 간호과
2한양대학교 간호학과
3가톨릭대학교 간호대학
4춘해대학 간호과
5충남대학교 간호학과
6중앙대학교 간호학과
7한국방송대학교 간호학과
The Analysis of Trends in Complementary and Alternative Therapy (CAT) in Nursing Research in Korea
Kyung-Soon Han1, Nan-Young Im2, Kyung-Ae Song3, Young-Hye Hong4, Jong-Im Kim5, Kyung-Hee Kim6, Nam-Ok Cho7
1Department of Nursing, Shin-heung College
2Department of Nursing, Hanyang University
3College of Nursing, Catholic University
4Department of Nursing, Choonhae College
5Department of Nursing, Chungnam National University
6Department of Nursing, Chungang University
7Department of Nursing, Korea National Open University
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze trends in complementary and alternative therapy in nursing research in Korea.
Method: The researchers examined academic theses and dissertations published from 1990 to 2002, and 151 articles were used for the analysis. Result: Nursing research on CAT increased rapidly from 1995 Articles with quantitative research designs made up 93.9% of the total and there were more experimental studies than non-experimental studies. Patients who had surgery, mental disorders, renal failure, hypertension, arthritis, dementia & cancer were the most frequently participants in studies on CAT. The type of CAT used in nursing research were mind-body therapy (65.8%), manual healing therapy (28.7%), phamacologic & biological therapy (3.7%), bioelectromagnetics (0.9%) and herbal therapy (0.9%). In 44 articles both psychological and physiological parameters were used as dependent variables. In 34 articles only physiological parameters were used and in 13 only psychological parameters. The most frequently used physiological parameters in CAT were pain, physiological function and vital signs, while the most used psychological parameters were anxiety, depression and stress.
Conclusion: More studies about CAT are needed to extend the role and fields for professional nursing. There is a need to conduct qualitative studies in nursing about the experiences of patients who receive CAT and nurses who use CAT.
Key words: Complementary and alternative therapy | Research trend
주요어: 보완 | 대체요법 | 연구 동향