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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2003;10(1): 37
프리셉터의 업무부담에 관한 연구
박수연1, 김주성2, 김명희3
2부산대학교 간호학과
3부산대학교 간호학과
A Study of the Burden of Preceptors
Soo-Youn Park1, Ju-Sung Kim2, Myung-Hee Kim3
1Department of Nursing, Pusan National University Hospital
2Pusan National University
3Pusan National University
Purpose: This study investigated the burden of preceptors in order to improve preceptorship in nursing practice.
Method: The participants were 170 preceptors at three hospitals in Pusan. The data were collected using questionnaires completed between July and September 2002, which included items to measure burden and opinions to reflect the demands of preceptors. They were analyzed using mean score, frequencies, and content analysis. Result: 1) The preceptors had an average of 6.3 years of clinical experience, while the practical career of a preceptor averaged 1.9 years. The average period of new nurse education was 5.5 weeks. Each year, 1.9 new nurses were trained per preceptor. 2) Of the preceptors 54.7% had received compensation without formal rules. but 54.1% did not want to serve further as preceptors because of overwork, lack of educational preparation, and lack of compensation. They were looking for solutions for existing problems. 3) Preceptors indicated that the major burden was having to repeat explanations to each preceptee, they were too busy to serve as preceptors, and their colleagues' had excessive expectations.
Conclusion: We recommend practical management, including supplementary manpower, an education program, and compensation provided by the hospital administration with cooperation from colleges.
Key words: Preceptor | Burden
주요어: 프리셉터 | 업무부담