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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2000;7(3): 391
밴드형 첨족예방기구의 효과와 유용성
강현숙1, 김원옥2, 이혜숙3
1경희대학교 의과대학 간호과학부
The Effects of the Band Type Foot Drop Device
Hyun-Sook Kang1, Won-Ock Kim2, Hya-Sook Lee3
1Department of Nursing, Kyung Hee University
2Kyung Hee School of Nursing
3Kyung Hee Medical Center
A long-term bed rest results in an inevitable foot drop. Yet preventive device such as a foot board and high-neck tennis shoes, are not widely used. This study was conducted to compare the effects of a pillow-type foot board with that of the band-type device. The band-type device of a resonable price is designed for an effective prevention of foot drop, and the convenience for it use. Among the non-equivalent control group design, foot drop preventive effects, usefulness of the device, as well as its cost effectiveness were examined. The study was carried out for four months from December 1999, and its subject had been patients and nurses of two intensive care units at K medical center in Seoul. According to the study purpose, the data collected were analyzed by $x^2-test$ and t-test. The results are as follow : 1. The ROM of ankle joint is promoted in the experimental group with a band-type device comparing the control group with a pillow type one. Dorsiflexion is particularly increased in the experimental group as compared with the control group, while planterflexion hardly shows any change. 2. The usefulness score of the experimental group nurses using the band-type device (23.97) is higher than that of the control group nurses (18.88). 3. In an aspect of the unit production cost, band-type devices are low-priced compare with pillow-type or other foot board (wooden) or high-neck tennis shoes. In summary, the newly developed band-type device is both useful and preventive for a foot drop. It is also desirable regarding to the production cost and the cost effectiveness. This fact proves that the new anti-foot drop device could be practical both for clinical care and home care. Yet the results were obtained by some subjects, it should be used after a further examination. More effective nursing intervention could be observed throughout general studies, including proper positioning and foot and ankle exercises which are the important variables of the foot drop prevention.
Key words: Foot drop | Planterflexion
주요어: 첨족 | 족저굴곡
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