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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 1999;6(1): 141
노인이 지각한 가족지지와 자아존중감 및 예방적 건강행위 이행과의 관계
최영아1, 박점희2
1김천과학대학 간호과
2경북대학교 간호학과
Correlations among Family Support, Self-Esteem and Compliance with Preventive Health. Behavior in Elderly People
Young-A Choi1, Jum-Hee Park2
1Dept. of Nursing, Kimchon College of Science
2Dept. of Nursing, Kyungpook National University
The purpose of this study was to identify correlations among family support, self-esteem and compliance in preventive health behavior in elderly people. The results will provide valuable data for nursing interventions towards help the elderly lead better lives. Those who lived with elderly people in Kimchun were interviewed by the researcher and an assistant. The subjects were 191 elderly people over the age of 65. The study method used was a structured questionnaire and the data were collected from September 17th to September 31th in 1998. The tools for this study were the family support scale designed by Gang Hyun Sook, the self-esteem scale designed by Rosenberg and the preventive health behavior scale designed by Gang Yune Sook. The data were analyzed by the SAS program, Mean, SD, T-test, ANOVA, Pearson Correlation Coefficients. The results of this study are as follows : 1. The mean score for family support was 40.49. The score of family support of the elderly showed significant differences according to age(F=2.66, P<.05), spouse presence(t=4.20, P<.001), family pattern(F=4.56, P<.01), economic status (F=10.47, P<.001) and pocket money(F=10.46, P<.001). 2. The mean score for self-esteem was 29.01. The score of self-esteem of the elderly showed significant differences according to educational level(F=3.47, P<.01), spouse presence(t=2.49, P<.05), family pattern(F=3.79, P<.01), economic staus(F=15.65, P<.001) and pocket money(F=14.04, P<.001). 3. The mean score for compliance with preventive health behavior was 53.15. The score of compliance of preventive health behavior of the elderly showed significant differences according to economic status(F=9.34, P<.001) and pocket money(F=8.13, P<.001). 4. The relation between family support and self-esteem was significantly different(r=.57, P<.001). The relation between family support and compliance with preventive health behavior was significantly different(r=.44, P<.001). The relation between self-esteem and compliance with proventive health behavior was significantey different(r=.51, P<.001), In conclusion, the correlations among lamily support, self-esteem and compliance with preventive health behavior in elderly people showed significant differences.
Key words: Elderly | Family support | Self-esteem | Compliance of preventive health behavior
주요어: 노인 | 가족지지 | 자아존중감 | 예방적 건강행위 이행