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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2001;8(2): 119
척수손상 미혼남성의 성(性)
신흥대학 간호과
Sexuality of Unmarried Males with a Spinal Cord Injury
Kyoung-Soon Han
Department of Nursing The Graduate School of Chung Ang University
The purpose of this study was done to explore and to describe, from a phenomenological perspective. the sexual experience of unmarried males with a spinal cord injury. The methodology used in this study was the phenomenological method. Researcher conducted individual in-depth interviews with persons who had a Spinal Cord Injury. Six males were invited to participate in the study. The data were gathered from November 1999 to August 2000. The finding which emerged from this phenomenological study are as follow: 'Confusion state in shocking situation', 'Reflection on past sexual experience', 'Irresistible impulsive sexual desire', 'Psychological conflict caused by suppression of sexual appetite', 'Groping for a solution to sexual desire', 'Recognition of changed sexual function' and 'Confirmation of changed self'. The conclusion of this study are as follow: The sexuality mankind owns is the criteria of original and common difference in the society of mankind through the categorization of male and female into dichotomy. In fact, the mankind as an social animal is the existence by the sexuality, for the sexuality and of the sexuality. The sexuality has the meaning only within the relationship with the others. The sexuality has the meaning only in the inter-relationship and the sexuality itself in it is already the sexual relationship. Therefore, for the better life of the participants with the spinal cord injury, further understanding of the sexuality of the unmarried male with spinal cord injury is required.
Key words: Spinal Cord Injury | Phenomenology | Sexuality
주요어: 척수 손상 | 현상학 |
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