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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 1998;5(1): 95
직접혈압측정치와 3가지 간접혈압측정치의 비교
이명화1, 박효경2, 손수경3
1고신대학교 의학부 간호학과
2고신대학교 의학부 간호학과
3고신대학교 의학부 간호학과
A Comparision of a Direct and Three Indirect Methods of Measuring Blood Pressure
Myung-Hwa Lee1, Hyo-Kyung Park2, Soo-Kyung Shon3
1Department of Nursing, Medical College, Kosin University
2Department of Nursing, Medical College, Kosin University
3Department of Nursing, Medical College, Kosin University
The purpose of this study was to compare direct and three indirect blood pressure measurements in adults and to compare among three indirect blood pressure measurements in adults. One direct(intraarterial) and three indirect(using a mecury sphygmomanometer, a aneroid type sphygmomanometer and an automatic auscultatory device) methods of blood pressure measurement were compared in adult patients who had an arterial line. The subjects for this study consisted of 29 patients in K medical center, B medical center, B hospital and M hospital in Pusan. The data was collected from October 1, 1992 to June 30, 1993. The collected data was analysed with the SPSS program, frequency, percentage, mean, S.D., t-test, ANOVA. The results of this study were as follows : 1) There was a significant difference in the systolic BP when using the direct and three indirect measurements(P<0.05). 2) There was no overall significant difference in the diastolic BP when using the direct and three indirect measurements. 3) There was no significant difference in the SBP and DBP among the three indirect measurements.
주요어: 직접혈압측정치 | 간접혈압측정치
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