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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 1997;4(2): 193
임상간호사의 이직경험
동의대학교 자연과학대학 간호학과
A Study On The Experiences of Turnover among Hospital Nurses
Mi-Jung Oh
Department of Nursing, Dong Eui University
The purpose of this research was to understand the structure of the experiences of turnover among hospital nurses. The research question was 'What is the structure of the experiences of turnover among hospital nurses?' The sample consisted of 16 hospital nurses who experienced one or more turnover. The unstructured interview were carried out from July 15. through August 31., 1997. Intervewed by audio-recording and analyzed by Van Kaam's method. There were 361 descriptive expressions and priority classifications. The result summerized as 107 common elements, 38 syntheses of hypothetical definitions and 6 identifications of the structural definition. The structural definitions and hypothetical definitiones were as follows ; 1. There were different views on the turnover intention. Hard task, dissatisfaction of initial expectancy, uncomfortable relationship with doctors, inappriate reward, uncomfortable relationship with workers of other parts, uncomfortable relationship with patients, unreasonable promotion, uncomfortable relationship with co-worker, helplessness, poor environment of working conditions. 2. Motivating factor of turnover can be varied : self development, problem of social support, boring task, problem of relation-ship with the senior, unfair promotion, night duty. 3. Social supportive factors were co-worker support, senior support, self control, family support, time support. 4. There were different views on the job satisfaction. Task, relationship with patient, recognition, professionalism, promotion, working environment, relationship with co-worker, reward.
Key words: Experiences of turnover
주요어: 이직경험 | 임상간호사