기본간호학회지에 출판된 비무작위 실험연구의 방법론적 질 평가 |
원종순1, 신윤희2, 박형숙3, 박효정4, 임세현5, 신미경6, 양영옥7, 김영주8, 장성옥9, 정승교10, 김정희11 |
1을지대학교 간호대학 성남캠퍼스 2연세대학교 원주의과대학 간호학부 3부산대학교 간호대학 4이화여자대학교 건강과학대학 간호학부 5극동대학교 간호학과 6나사렛대학교 간호학과 7가야대학교 간호학과 8성신여자대학교 간호대학 간호학과 9고려대학교 간호대학 간호학과 10세명대학교 간호학과 11단국대학교 간호학과 |
Quality Assessment of Non-Randomized Studies in the Journal of Korean Fundamentals of Nursing |
Jongsoon Won1, YunHee Shin2, HyoungSook Park3, Hyojung Park4, Se Hyun Lim5, Mee-Kyung Shin6, Young-Ok Yang7, Young-Ju Kim8, Sung Ok Chang9, Seung Kyo Chaung10, Jung-Hee Kim11 |
1College of Nursing, Eulji University 2Department of Nursing, Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsei University 3College of Nursing, Pusan National University 4Division of Nursing Science, College of Health Sciences, Ewha Womans University 5Department of Nursing, Far East University 6Department of Nursing, Nazarene University 7Department of Nursing, Kaya University 8Department of Nursing, College of Nursing, Sungshin Women's University 9Nursing department, College of Nursing, Korea University 10Nursing Department, Semyung University 11Department of Nursing, College of Health Sciences, Dankook University |
Abstract |
Purpose: The purpose of this research was to assess the methodological quality of non-randomized studies published in the Journal of Korean Fundamentals of Nursing. Methods: A search of non-randomized studies assessing intervention effects was conducted among all articles published in the Journal of Korean Fundamentals of Nursing between 2011 and 2013. Articles were assessed for quality using the Methodological Index for Non Randomized Studies (MINORS). For each index item, the frequency and percentage of articles meeting the criteria were calculated, along with mean scores by research method, publication year, and research topic. Results: A total of 22 studies were included. The mean score for studies without control groups was 11.75 (range 0-16), and for those with control groups, 19.27 (range 0-24). Results show that improvement is needed on several items: ""endpoints appropriate to the aim of the study,"" ""unbiased assessment of the study endpoint,"" ""follow-up period appropriate to the aim of the study,"" ""loss to follow up less than 5%,"" and ""contemporary groups."" Conclusion: Although the quality of articles published in the Journal of Korean Fundamentals of Nursing has consistently increased, more emphasis should be placed on using rigorous research methods. |
Key words:
Intervention studies | Nursing |
중재연구 | 간호 |