1Hallym University, College of Medicine, Simulation Center 2Department of Nursing, Hallym University
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of training using an intravenous (IV) arm model versus a computer simulator for IV injections. Method: Study was a quasi-experimental study conducted with 106 nursing students. Participants were divided into two groups: the IV Arm Group using a mannequin arm model (control group) and the Computer Simulator Group using the Virtual IV demonstration (experimental group). Theoretical lectures and video presentations on IV injections were given to both groups. Each group went through the training practice using the IV arm or computer simulator. After the completion of training, questionnaires were given to the students to evaluate their learning attitudes and experiences, self-confidence in IV injection, and satisfaction with the training materials. Results: Student satisfaction with the training materials including the reality, usefulness, and educational effects showed notable differences between the two groups with the Computer Simulator group reporting more positive effects that the IV Arm group. However, there was no statistical difference between the two groups in the categories of learning attitude, learning experience, or self-confidence. Conclusion: While there was a differences in strengths and weaknesses of the two methods, both methods should be considered for practice and further study needs to be done on educational effectiveness.