1Wonju Severance Christian Hospital ECIU, Yonsei University 2Wonju College of Medicine, Department of Nursing, Yonsei University
Purpose: This study was done to investigate the probability of stroke, knowledge of stroke, and health-promoting lifestyle among stroke risk groups. Method: A descriptive correlational design was used. Data for 110 patients were analyzed. The probability of stroke was calculated using the Stroke Risk Profile from the Framingham Heart Study (2013), knowledge of stroke was measured using a questionnaire developed by Yoon et al. (2001), and health-promoting lifestyle was measured using the HPLP-II, developed by Walker et al. (1995). Results: The average probability of stroke was 11.74, knowledge of stroke, 67.88, and health-promoting lifestyle, 2.27. Probability of stroke showed significant differences according to gender. Knowledge differed according to patients' salaries. Health-promoting lifestyle showed significant differences according to gender. There were no significant correlations between probability of stroke and knowledge of stroke or probability of stroke and health-promoting lifestyle, but there was a significant correlation between knowledge of stroke and health-promoting lifestyle. Conclusion: Results indicate the necessity of active education to increase knowledge related to stroke which will contribute to an increase in health-promoting behaviors and make primary prevention a reality in the reduction of risk of stroke among stroke risk groups.