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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2012;19(4): 425
대학생의 수면양상과 주간졸음증에 영향을 미치는 요인
이혜련1, 신미경2, 원종순3
1나사렛대학교 간호학과
2나사렛대학교 간호학과
3을지대학교 간호대학 성남캠퍼스
Sleep Patterns and Factors Associated with Excessive Daytime Sleepiness in University Students
Hyeryeon Yi1, Mee-Kyung Shin2, Jongsoon Won3
1Dept. of Nursing, Korea Nazarene University
2Dept. of Nursing, Korea Nazarene University
3College of Nursing, Eulji University
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate sleep patterns and predictors of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) in university students.
Methods: Participants were 120 university students who were attending two universities in S-city and C-city. Data were collected from May 20 to June 15, 2012 using self-report questionnaires which included Johns' Epworth Sleepiness Scale, Yi's Sleep Quality Scale, and Beck Depression Inventory. Data were digitalized and analyzed using frequency, percentages, means and standard deviations, Wilcoxon rank sum test, Chi-square test, Fisher's exact test, and multiple logistic regression with SAS 9.0.
Results: Mean total sleep time was 6.6 hours on weekdays, 8.1 hours on weekends. Mean sleep latency was 19.1 minutes and the score for mean sleep quality was 22.6. Prevalence of EDS was 12.5%. Depression was significantly different between EDS and Non-EDS students (t=2.17, p=.030). Multiple logistic regression showed that the only factor associated with EDS was depression (adjusted odds ratio of depression=5.33, 95% Confidence Interval=1.49-19.04).
Conclusion: Results of this study indicate that university students experience short sleep time, low sleep quality, and common EDS with depression, suggesting that students with complaints of EDS should be completely assessed for depression as well as sleep problems.
Key words: Sleep patterns | Sleepiness | Students
주요어: 수면양상 | 주간졸음증 | 대학생