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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2012;19(3): 363
학제에 따른 졸업학년 간호학생들의 간호전문직관 영향 요인 비교
함연숙1, 김화순2
2인하대학교 간호학과
Comparison of Factors Affecting Nursing Professionalism Perceived by Nursing Students Anticipating Graduation According to Nursing Educational System
Youn-Suk Ham1, Hwa-Soon Kim2
1Ansan University
2Department of Nursing, Inha University
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare nursing professionalism between diploma students and bachelor students and to identify differences in factors affecting nursing professionalism according to nursing educational system.
Methods: The participants were 462 nursing students who had completed all clinical practicum courses. Of these students, 255 were from one of 2 diploma degree colleges and 207 were from one of 3 bachelor degree universities. Collected data included general characteristics, professionalism, nursing image, self-efficacy, satisfaction with nursing as a major, and satisfaction with clinical practice.
Results: Age, religion, grade point average, motivation for admission, nursing professionalism and satisfaction with clinical practice were significantly different between diploma and bachelor students. Image of nurse, satisfaction with nursing as a major and satisfaction with clinical practice were common factors influencing nursing professionalism in both groups. Self-efficacy was a significant factor only for diploma degree students and religion was a significant factor only for bachelor degree students.
Conclusion: For more positive nursing professionalism by students, more attention should be paid to enhancing positive nurse images, satisfaction with nursing as a major and satisfaction with clinical practice during the students' period of study.
Key words: Nursing student | Mursing professionalism | Self-concept | Self-efficacy | Personal satisfaction
주요어: 간호 학생 | 간호전문직관 | 전문직 자아개념 | 자기효능감 | 만족도