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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2012;19(1): 16
20대 여성의 비만과 폐기능에 관한 연구
세명대학교 간호학과
Obesity and Pulmonary Function in Young Adult Women
Seung-Kyo Chaung
Department of Nursing, Semyung University
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify Forced Vital Capacity (FVC), Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 Second ($FEV_1$), $FEV_1$/FVC according to obesity in young adult women.
Method: Height, weight, body mass index (BMI), and percent body fat (PBF) were obtained by using bioelectrical impedance analysis. Neck circumference (NC), waist circumference (WC) and spirometric values (FVC, $FEV_1$, $FEV_1$/FVC) were obtained for 135 women college students who were healthy and non smokers.
Results: Mean BMI and PBF were $21.8kg/m^2$ and 30.5%. Obesity prevalence according to BMI and PBF were respectively 13.3%, and 50.9%. Lean body mass (LBM) was positively correlated with FVC, $FEV_1$, and PBF was negatively correlated with FVC, $FEV_1$ and $FEV_1$/FVC. FVC and $FEV_1$ of the underweight or obese group were lower than those of normal weight group.
Conclusion: PBF, but not BMI, is negatively associated with pulmonary function in women college students.
Key words: Obesity | Body Mass Index | Waist Circumference | Respiratory Function Tests
주요어: 비만 | 체질량지수 | 체지방률 | 허리둘레 | 폐기능
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