기본간호실습 교육 현황 및 실습교육 필요도 |
김경희1, 장성옥2, 강현숙3, 김금순4, 김종임5, 김화순6, 박진희7, 엄미란8, 윤미선9, 이옥철10, 원종순11 |
1중앙대학교 간호학과 2고려대학교 간호대학 3공주대학교 간호학과 4서울대학교, 간호대학 5충남대학교 간호대학 6인하대학교 간호학과 7아주대학교 간호대학 8국립목포대학교 간호학과 9백석대학교 간호학과 10중앙대학교 간호학과 11을지대학교 간호대학 성남캠퍼스 |
Content and Educational Needs for Fundamental Nursing Practice |
Kyung-Hee Kim1, Sung-Ok Chang2, Hyun-Sook Kang3, Keum-Soon Kim4, Jong-Im Kim5, Hwa-Soon Kim6, Jin-Hee Park7, Mi-Ran Eom8, Mi-Sun Youn9, Og-Cheol Lee10, Jong-Soon Won11 |
1Chung-Ang University 2Korea University 3Kongju National University 4Seoul National University 5Chungnam National University 6Inha University 7Ajou University 8Mokpo National University 9Baekseok University 10Chung-Ang University 11Eulji University |
Abstract |
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify content of Fundamental Nursing Practice (FNP) and the educational needs for nursing practice items in schools of nursing. Methods: Participants were 81 professors who were teaching FNP and 166 clinical nurses. The research questionnaire included 148 practice items, which were selected by content analysis of 7 FNP textbooks. Data were collected from May 20 to July 27, 2011 and analyzed using descriptive statistics and t-test with SPSS 17.0. Results: The research findings showed that : 1) the seven items included in the education content of all schools of nursing were putting on sterile gloves, checking radial pulse, checking blood pressure in the arm, Foley catheterization, injection preparation with ampule, intramuscular injection in the buttocks, and mixing intravenous fluid. Fifty items were included in the content in more than 80% of the schools. 2) Educational domains needing emphasis were medication, infection control, health assessment, oxygenation, urinary elimination, activity/positioning, and nutrition. There were significant differences in reported educational needs between professors and clinical nurses for 62.8% of practice items. Conclusions: Results indicated that standardization of FNP education contents using the findings of this study should lead to improvement in quality of FNP education. |
Key words:
Nursing Education | Needs |
기본간호실습 | 교육 | 필요도 |