Background: The purpose of this study was to identify weight control behavior according to body mass index and perception of body-image, and factors that affect weight control behavior in female college students. Methods: A convenience sample of 276 female college students agreed to complete a questionnaire. Data were collected from October 5 to October 15, 2009. The data were analyzed using SPSS win 18.0 program with descriptive statistics, Chi-square test and Logistic regression. Results: According to preferred body type, 86.9% of the students who preferred slim, 13.3% who preferred their own body type, and 4.2% who preferred chubby reported using weight control behavior. For weight control behavior according to satisfaction with body type, 82.9% of the students who were dissatisfied with their body type and 52.8% who were satisfied practiced weight control behavior. Variables influencing weight control behavior were body mass index (underweight OR 1.37, p=.050), cognition of the body (chubby/fat OR 2.68, p=.047), and preferred body type (slim OR 1.29, p=.006). Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that, health providers need to educate female college students about appropriate body image and weight control behavior. Also, more studies are needed to identify other factor influencing weight control behaviors.