Department of Nursing, Daejeon Health Sciences College
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to provide basic data necessary for educating nursing students by establishing a desirable sense of ethics values. Method: In this descriptive research, 101 nursing students and 191 non-nursing students (in other health related fields) from Daejeon City were selected. Tools used for data analysis were descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe test and step wise multiple regression with SPSS/WIN 12.0 version. Results: Average scores for consciousness of biomedical ethics in nursing students was 2.94, and in non-nursing students, 2.77. When differences in the consciousness of biomedical ethics of nursing and non-nursing students were compared, nursing students had significantly higher scores for artificial abortion, artificial insemination, prenatal diagnosis of fetus, right to life of newborn, euthanasia, organ transplantation and human biotechnology, but significantly lower for brain death. Variables which influenced consciousness of biomedical ethics were religion and economic status in the nursing students and intent to attend a class in biomedical ethics, quantity and quality of biomedical ethics in the current curriculum and religion in the non-nursing students. Conclusion: Continuing educational programs need to be considered and attention given to the significant variables that can promote consciousness of biomedical ethics in nursing students.