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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2011;18(3): 373
중환자실 간호실무의 중요도, 수행 빈도 및 난이도 분석을 통한 중환자실 간호사의 교육요구도
김금순1, 김진아2, 박영례3
1서울대학교 간호대학, 서울대학교 간호과학연구소
3군산대학교 간호학과
Educational Needs Based on Analysis of Importance, Frequency and Difficulty of ICU Nursing Practice for ICU Nurses
Keum-Soon Kim1, Jin-A Kim2, Young-Rye Park3
1College of Nursing, Seoul National University, The Research Institute of Nursing Science, Seoul National University
2Korea Health Industry Development Institute
3Department of Nursing, Kunsan National University
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the educational needs of ICU nurses based on an analysis of importance, frequency, and difficulty for ICU nursing practice.
Method: A cross-sectional survey was conducted using a questionnaire with 80 questions in 14 ICU nursing categories. Data were collected from August to October 2009. A total of 295 ICU nurses from five hospitals who had minimum of one year clinical experience participated. Data were analyzed with using descriptive statistics.
Results: For importance, emergency care had the highest score, followed by physical assessment, communication, cardiovascular care, and ICU basic nursing. Regarding the frequency, physical assessment had the highest score, followed by communication, medication, ICU basic nursing, and respiratory care. Cardiovascular care was the most difficult task, followed by neurological care, emergency care, other ICU related nursing care, diagnostic test, and communication.
Conclusion: The findings indicate a high educational need in the areas of communication, medication, physical assessment, diagnostic test, emergency care, and cardiovascular care. Thus the development of educational programs on communication, medication, physical assessment, diagnostic test, emergency care, and cardiovascular care are needed for ICU nurses.
Key words: Intensive care unit | Nurse | Education
주요어: 중환자실 | 간호사 | 교육
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