Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2011;18(3): 328
암 극복 베하스(BeHaS) 운동프로그램이 유방암 수술 후 환자의 어깨관절기능, 스트레스, 신체상, 자아존중감에 미치는 효과
민신홍1, 박선영2, 김종임3
1충남대학교 간호대학 2충남대학교 병원 3충남대학교 간호대학
Effects of Cancer-Overcome BeHaS (Be Happy and Strong) Exercise Program on Shoulder Joint Function, Stress, Body Image and Self-esteem in Breast Cancer Patients after Surgery
1College of Nursing, Chungnam National University 2Chungnam National University Hospital 3College of Nursing, Chungnam National University
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of cancer-overcome BeHaS exercise program on shoulder joint function, stress, body image and self-esteem in women who have had surgery for breast cancer. Method: A non-equivalent control group pre-post test design with an experimental group (n=25) and a control group (n=25) was used. The experimental group participated in the program once a week for eight weeks. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Chi square and t-test with the SPSS Win 17.0. Results: There were significantly increased in shoulder joint function (p=.012), body image (p=.001), and self-esteem (p=.013), and significantly decreased in stress (p=.003). Conclusion: The results suggest that breast cancer-overcome BeHaS exercise program had beneficial effects on shoulder joint function, body image, self-esteem and stress in patients who have had surgery for breast cancer.