Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate factors of sleep disturbance and sleep patterns of elderly hospitalized women patients between young-old (65-74 years), old (76-84 years) and old-old (85 years and above). Methods: The questionnaire included the environmental disturbance factors (Paik, 2000), degree of pain (Wang & Kim,1995), disease symptoms (Paik, 2000), depression (Kee, 1996) and sleep patterns (Oh, Song, & Kim, 1998). Data were analyzed using frequencies, means, ${chi}^2$-test, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe, Pearson correlation coefficients and multiple regression (SPSS 14.0). Results: The middle, and oldest group's environmental disturbance factors of degree of pain, disease symptoms, depression and sleep patterns were higher than those of the younger group. The younger, middle, and oldest group's sleep pattern had a significant negative correlation with environmental disturbance factors, degree of pain, disease symptoms and depression. The model including variables related to environmental, physical and psychological disturbance factors, explained the following variances in sleep pattern: 26.8% for the youngest group, 27.6% for the middle group and 40.7% for the oldest group. Conclusion: The result of this study offer basic data for the development of nursing intervention programs to improve sleep patterns for hospitalized women patients according to age differences.