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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2011;18(2): 177
태극권 프로그램이 파킨슨병 환자의 하지근력, 관절의 유연성, 균형감 및 인지기능에 미치는 효과
최동원1, 송경애2
1적십자대학교 간호대학
2가톨릭대학교 간호대학
Effects of Tai Chi Exercise Program on Muscle Strength, Flexibility, Postural balance and Cognition in Patients with Parkinson Disease
Dong-Won Choi1, Kyeong-Yae Sohng2
1Red Cross College of Nursing
2College of Nursing, The Catholic University of Korea
Purpose: To examine the effects of Tai Chi exercise (TCE) on muscle strength, flexibility of low extremities, postural balance and cognition in patients with Parkinson disease (PD).
Method: A nonequivalent control-group pre and post-test design was used. Of the 30 participants 15 were assigned to the experimental group and 15 to the control group. The experimental group participated in 8 weeks of TCE which included one day of exercise with instructor on site and 3 days of self-exercise at home guided by a videotape.
Results: The 8 weeks of TCE were found to be significantly effective in enhancing strength of low extremities, flexibility of ankles and shoulders, time of tandem stand with eye closed and level on the K-MMSE (Korean mini mental state examination).
Conclusion: These results suggest that TCE has positive effects on physical fitness and cognition in patients with PD. Research over an extended period with the TCE intervention is recommended to identify further effects.
Key words: Parkinson disease | Tai Chi | Muscle strength | Postural balance | Cognition
주요어: 파킨슨병 | 태극권 | 근력 | 균형 | 인지기능