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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2011;18(1): 97
중년 여성의 여가활동특성에 따른 사회적 지지와 건강상태
정명실1, 송지호2
1성신여자대학교 간호대학 간호학과
2성신여자대학교 간호대학 간호학과
Social Support and Health Status based on Characteristics of Leisure Activity of Middle-Aged Women
Myung-Sill Chung1, Ji-Ho Song2
1College of nursing, Sungshin Women's University
2College of nursing, Sungshin Women's University
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify social support and health status based on characteristics of leisure activity in middle-aged women.
Methods: Participants were 148 middle-aged women living in the capital area. Data were collected through self-report questionnaires which were constructed to include leisure activity characteristics, social support and Brodman's CMI. Data were analyzed using t-test, and ANOVA, with SPSS/WIN 14.0.
Results: Social support was different depending on leisure type, leisure partner, length of participation in present activity, regularity, and motivation to start activity. Health status was different depending on the length of participation in present activity, and regularity.
Conclusion: Because social support and health status depend on characteristics of leisure activity, further study in nursing one how to resolve the physical, psychological, social and health problems that middle-aged women might experience through various leisure activities.
Key words: Leisure Activity | Social Support | Health Status | Middle-aged Women
주요어: 중년 여성 | 여가활동 | 사회적 지지 | 건강상태
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