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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2011;18(1): 19
리코더를 활용한 천식환자의 호흡간호프로그램 개발 및 효과
한림대학교 간호학부
Development of a Respiratory Nursing Program Using Recorder Playing for the Patients with Asthma and Measurement of Effectiveness
Hee-Jung Jang
Division of Nursing, Hallym University
Purpose: This study was conducted to develop a respiratory nursing program using recorder playing for patients with asthma and to determine the effects of the program.
Method: Participants were 26 patients with asthma (experimental group: 13, control group: 13). The experimental group participated in the respiratory nursing program for six months from April, to October, 2007. Content included playing a recorder, group education about asthma, and educational messages including cellular phone messages. The control group received usual care during the six months.
Results: In this research the respiratory nursing program using recorders was developed in 3 stages: initial stage, advanced stage, and wrap up stage. Compared to the control group, fatigue status in the experimental group improved significantly as well as level of forced expiratory volume in 1 second. However significant differences were found in sleep status, mood, or quality of life.
Conclusions: These results suggest that this respiratory nursing program for symptom management of patients with asthma led to improvements in self care activity. Nursing interventions are needed to maintain and further enhance the quality of life of these patients and the interventions should be implemented over a transition period.
Key words: Asthma | Respiration | Nursing | Music | Instruments
주요어: 천식 | 호흡 | 간호 | 리코더