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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2010;17(4): 508
노인요양시설 간호사의 치매환자 통증확인 유형
이수정1, 장성옥2
2고려대학교 간호대학
A Study on the Types of Pain Identification by Nurses for Nursing Home Patients with Dementia
Su-Jung Lee1, Sung-Ok Chang2
1National Evidence-based Healthcare Collaborating Agency
2College of Nursing, Korea University
Purpose: This study was done to identify the types of pain identification made by nurses caring for patients with dementia in nursing homes.
Method: To collect the Q-population, 12 nurses working in nursing homes were interviewed. From the collected data, 69 statements were derived and eight patterns of pain identification were categorized. Thirty statements were derived as the Q-sample. Thirty nurses were sampled as the P-sample. The 30 Q-cards with Q-statements were Q-sorted by the P-sample. The results of the Q-sorting were coded and analyzed using the PC QUANL program.
Results: Five types of pain identification were identified by nurses for patients with dementia living in nursing homes; Type 1 was named ""estimating based on verbal expressions"". Type 2 was named ""reasoning through physical symptoms"". Type 3 was named ""confirming pain based on nonverbal expressions being consistent with conditions of physical function"". Type 4 was named ""empathizing with vocal expressions"". Type 5 was named ""confirming by comparison with objective pain indicators one by one"".
Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that comprehensive understanding of pain identification by nurses could help improve the assessment of pain in patients with dementia.
Key words: Nursing Homes | Dementia | Pain
주요어: 노인요양시설 | 치매환자 | 통증