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Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing 2010;17(3): 419
여성의 체질량지수, 체중인식 및 비만관련 삶의 질 분석
송미령1, 이혜원2, 조지영3, 김은경4
1호서대학교 간호학과
3성빈센트 병원
4수원과학대학 간호과
Analysis of Women's Body Mass Index, Weight Perception and Obesity-related Quality of Life
Mi-Ryeong Song1, Hae-Won Lee2, Ji-Young Jo3, Eun-Kyung Kim4
1Department of Nursing, Hoseo University
2Bucheon St. Mary's Hospital
3St. Vincent's Hospital
4Department of Nursing, Suwon Science College
Purpose: Women's weight perception and obesity-related quality of life were analyzed according to BMI (Body Mass Index).
Methods: A survey was conducted using self-report questionnaires from 178 participants. The data analysis included descriptive statistics, frequency, percentage, t-test, ANOVA, Fisher's exact test and Kendall's tau using the SPSS version 14.0.
Results: There were significant differences in BMI according to age (F=8.037, p=<.001), weight perception (F=60.71, p<.001), weight control experience (F=2.504, p=.013), weight control method (F=5.839, p=.001) and weight control success (F=-2.451, p=.016). There was a significant difference in obesity-related quality of life according to weight perception in the low weight group (F=5.587, p=.021) and in the obesity group (t=3.419, p=.003). Higher correlations were found between the women's BMI group, weight perception and obesity-related quality of life.
Conclusion: A program to provide appropriate information for weight perception is needed for the low weight group. There is a need for a program about weight reduction as well as weight perception for the obesity group.
Key words: BMI | Weight Perception | Obesity | Quality of Life
주요어: 체질량지수 | 체중인식 | 비만 | 삶의 질
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