1Ewha Womans University 2Pusan National University
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the predictors of quality of life for elders in Korea. Method: The participants were 348 older persons selected by convenience sampling in Y city. Data were collected from September 22 to October 23, 2008 when 348 elders completed a questionnaire which included the Leisure Attitude Scale by Raghep and Beard (1982), Leisure Competence Questionnaire by Witt and Ellis (1987) and the Quality of Life Questionnaire by Mckenna (2001). Cronbach alphas scores for Korean translation of the questionnaires were .85, .90 and .79 respectively. The collected data were analyzed using the SPSS Win 14.0 statistics program. Results: The scores for quality of life showed significant positive correlations with the scores for leisure attitude (r=.603, p<.001) and leisure competence (r=.703, p<.001). Leisure competence, leisure attitude, and education were significant predictors and accounted for 54.4% of the variance in quality of life in the elders. Conclusion: The findings suggest that high leisure competence and positive leisure attitude with learning opportunities will be helpful to promote a better quality of life for elders.